Harmony of the mind

Well in your body, but also well in your mind. Take time to reconnect. Take care of your mind and look at yourself with kindness: the Secret of Deep Beauty.

Photo d'une femme dans la nature fermant les yeux, épanouie et détendue, inspiration Philosophale

Boosting positive thinking

Our Beauty is the expression of our renewed confidence and will

We are all victims of society’s message about aging. We have allowed our thoughts to accept that with time our beauty fades.

This is not true.

Our beauty lasts, we just have to want to make it bloom again.

Do you know the power of positive thoughts on reality?


Every day, look at yourself in the mirror and imagine yourself as you are in the depths of your unconscious. Think of all that is beautiful about you.


Repeat every morning and evening during your facial massages that you are beautiful, that your skin is improving every day and that your complexion is brightening. Say it out loud and feel beautiful.  Then you will shine.

Photo d'une femme dormant, illustrant le caractère essentiel du repos et du sommeil dans la démarche de beauté globale Philosophale

Decompression, rest and quality sleep

Quality sleep is a beauty secret for your skin!

When we don’t get enough sleep, the body secretes more cortisol or stress hormone. This cortisol breaks down the collagen naturally present in the skin, affecting its elasticity, slowing down cell renewal and microcirculation, and increasing sebum production.

On the contrary, a good night’s sleep ensures good cell renewal and efficient microcirculation, which are necessary to ensure a fresh complexion and less dark circles when you wake up. The skin is also better oxygenated.

Some tips for cultivating harmony:


Clear your head. Lying on your back, arms by your side, eyes closed, concentrate on your sensations. Tighten and then relax each muscle in your body in turn, starting with your feet. Do not forget the neck and face. Visualise and feel a state of total relaxation, well-being, lightness and rest… you will soon fall asleep.


Don’t forget to give yourself moments of disconnection during the day. These moments will strengthen your resistance to stress. Micro-naps of course, whose virtues are widely recognised, but also short moments of relaxation, just for you, anywhere:

Sit with your eyes closed. Apply pressure to the back of the neck to release your vital energy.

Place the thumbs firmly on the back of the neck and three fingers below the base of the skull on either side of the midline.

Gently tilt your head back to relax your neck muscles. Then rotate your thumbs for 30 seconds to 1 minute.

photo d'une position de yoga pour l'harmonie du corps par philosophale (méditation, beauté, bien être)

To be deeply alive, both relaxed and energised, to feel fully beautiful and in harmony.

Harmony of the body – Our tips