Harmony of the body

Take the time to feel your body, each part of it, and especially your face. To relax, to unwind. To be deeply alive, both relaxed and energised, to feel fully beautiful and in harmony.
Put on some soft music, spray on your favourite perfume...and go for it. Think only of the present moment in a positive way.

Photo d'une femme faisant de la méditation et du yoga dans la nature recherchant le bienêtre intérieur pour retrouver la beauté extérieure dans une approche holistique

Preparation for the Ritual: Relaxation of the body

Relaxing the body, relieving tension and boosting the secretion of endorphins, the happiness hormones.


Relax : Stretching the spine
Stand in front of your mirror and keep your head and chest in the same alignment. Raise your arms in the air, expanding as if to touch the sky, and take 3 to 5 breaths.


Stimulate inner peace and joy: Sternum pressure and ear acupressure.

Pressure on the breastbone: Place the index, middle and ring fingers in the centre of the breastbone, at the level of the tips of your breasts.

Apply gentle, vertical and gradual pressure with the fingertips on the centre of the sternum for 2 minutes, while breathing deeply.

Acupressure of the ear :
The « Shen Men » point, which in ancient Chinese means the door to the spirit, is located at the top of the pavilion, below the middle of the upper edge. Massaging it with the fingertips between the index finger and the thumb for 30 seconds gives a calming sensation and has an anti-stress effect.

Photo d'une belle femme couchée, se ressourçant pour symboliser la démarche psychocosmétique des soins hydra-émotionnels Philosophale

Preparation for the Ritual: Facial Relaxation

Did you know that? The face has more than 50 muscles! So many muscles to relax

Once your face has been thoroughly cleansed with Serenity Cleansing Milk Oil, sit or stand with your head down. After rubbing your hands together, massage the relaxed muscles of your face with your fingertips for 2 minutes, keeping your head down.

This massage, to be practiced without any product, head down, improves the blood circulation in the tissues and the oxygenation of the cells.

Belle femme s'appliquant une crème de beauté, adepte d'un skincare holistique

Re-energising self-massage

Unblock the energies on your face, reactivate circulation of the flows


In the morning and evening, use self-massage to increase your skin’s receptivity to Philosophale care products:


Place the cream inside your hands. Let it warm up for a few seconds. Then rub both hands together very gently.


Apply your hands to your face. Feel the warmth emanating from them. At the same time, slide both hands towards the outside of your face. Repeat the process.


Then use your fingertips to massage your forehead in a circular motion from the eyebrow roots to the hairline.


Move your fingers down to the temples and massage for a few seconds.


Now focus on the sides of your mouth, the nose and finally the chin and cheeks.


Gently and with your hands flat on each side of the neck, massage from the bottom of the neck towards the ears.

Your treatment is over. Look at yourself and smile.

Photo d'une belle femme courant sur la plage illustrant l'harmonie du corps et du mental par Philosophale, pour retrouver équilibre et jeunesse

Take care of your mind and look at yourself with kindness

Harmony of the mind – Our tips